Thursday, October 29, 2015

TIME... What is TIME?

"Time flies when you're having fun."

We all know that. However, these past few days, specifically, these past 3 days, time seems to have stood still. Everything around me seems to have stopped. AND... I'm having fun! I'm enjoying every bit of it! With all so many things I have to do these days, I've never been busier doing music, at the same time, finishing up this year's competency test at work, and on and on and on, and time seemingly running out, there's not enough time, YET... time seems to go in 
... SLOW... MOTION... 

It's what I want, it's what I need. Right now. And I'm getting it, and enjoying it - WOW! I seem to get things done, and at a good pace at that! On top of that, Daylight Saving Time is coming up - an added time, an extra hour! - I ain't complaining!

Here are some interesting topics I saw on the web:
What is Time?
Is Time an Illusion?
There is No such Thing as Time

What are your thoughts on TIME?

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