Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Off today, so I thought I could catch up with paperwork, (endless!), music, and a thousand other things! I ended up house-cleaning, part of the house, anyway. Started with just my shelf in the bathroom, and I saw a lot of  old stuff I haven't used for a long time, so out they went! Then I found myself using a 2-step ladder to get to the upper shelves, and the cleaning... Began! Things have been dusty for months because of construction going on downstairs (terrible!). Next thing I knew I was doing the kitchen then the back room. Just went on and on, and before I knew it, the day was over.

Night time came and I did some blogging but spent more time catching up with old posts, editing those on yagyas to link to my recent posts, and other related topics like TM & Maharishi, and while on the pages, I saw other posts not related that needed some freshening up. Yes, I got sidetracked, and sidetracked more... and more, leading nowhere. Never got to writing new ones, except this and it's blah! No story at all!

Did a lot today but accomplished nothing - Wasted time!

But was it, really? Things happen for a reason, yeah, yeah, like, what reasons? Can you give me some? I had better things to do, you know. Well, life happens, and when we look back, whatever happened happened. It's DONE!! Nothing we can do about it! Whether we regret or not, it's FINISHED! 

Move on...

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