I was just talking to my friend, Lulu, on the phone, and she was telling me about Our Lady of Lebanon and Our Lady of Elige. And now I've just learned of Our Lady of Aranzazu from the Jesuits' Igniting Our Values which I've been following this Lent. I didn't know that the Blessed Virgin have had so many apparitions in the past! I've heard of others and her many other titles but some places, I've never even heard of! I only know of Lourdes, Fatima and Guadalupe as the most popular. And of course, Our Lady of Perpetual Help after whom I was named as my mother promised if she was going to have a baby girl. She had 4 boys already so she wanted a girl. My mom made a 9-Wednesday novena in her honor and on her 9th Wednesday, I was born. How special, huh!
Going back, the Blessed Virgin Mary has no greater desire than to bring us, all her children, closer to her son, Jesus. Many of us have been so deaf to her calls so that time and time again, in different parts of the world, she would make herself known to bring us back to her fold and Jesus.
Praise the Lord. Alleluia!